The CRASH-4 trial is being conducted by Ambulance Services and Emergency Departments across the UK
The success of the CRASH-4 trial is dependent on the collaboration of paramedics, nurses, doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals from NHS ambulance services and hospitals from around the UK.
Find out more about our collaborators below.
Our Current Collaborators
Royal London Hospital
William Harvey Hospital
The Great Western Hospital
The Whittington Hospital
St Helier Hospital
Epsom General Hospital
King’s College Hospital
Queen’s Hospital
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
St Thomas’ Hospital
Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Milton Keynes University Hospital
Croydon University Hospital
Dorset County Hospital
Royal Preston Hospital
Salford Care Organisation
Kettering General Hospital
Musgrove Park Hospital
Good Hope Hospital
Leicester Royal Infirmary
Leeds General Infirmary
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Manchester Royal Infirmary
Queen’s Medical Centre
John Radcliffe Hospital
Torbay Hospital
Blackpool Victoria Hospital
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Derriford Hospital
Southampton General Hospital
University Hospital Coventry
Hull Royal Infirmary
Luton & Dunstable University Hospital
Royal Derby Hospital
University College London, Hospital
Calderdale Royal Hospital
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary
Pinderfields Hospital
Airedale General Hospital
Kingston Hospital
North Manchester General Hospital
Darlington Memorial Hospital
West Middlesex University Hospital
Newham University Hospital
Bristol Royal Infirmary
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
Horton General Hospital
Ipswich Hospital
Colchester Hospital
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Ealing Hospital
Northwick Park Hospital
Lincoln County Hospital
Pilgrim Hospital Boston
University Hospital Lewisham
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woolwich
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Queen’s Hospital Burton
Southend University Hospital
King’s Mill Hospital
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
Basildon University Hospital
Harrogate District Hospital
James Cook University Hospital
Aintree University Hospital
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
St Mary’s Hospital
Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Scunthorpe General Hospital
Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital
Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital
Ambulance Services
South Central Ambulance Service
London Ambulance Service
South East Coast Ambulance Service
Yorkshire Ambulance Service
East of England Ambulance Service
East Midlands Ambulance Service
West Midlands Ambulance Service
Isle of Wight Ambulance Service
Interested in becoming an Associate PI?
The NIHR Associate Principal Investigator (API) scheme is designed to train healthcare professionals to become the Principal Investigators of the future. Many CRASH-4 sites are already part of this scheme and we would encourage any sites who aren’t yet to get involved.
To find out more about the scheme, and how you could be part of it, click here to visit the NIHR website.
If you are eligible for the scheme, you will need the following information as part of the registration process:
CPMS Number: 47298
Chief Investigator: Co-CI Professor Ian Roberts, Co-CI Professor Haleema Shakur-Still
Study Coordinator: Danielle Beaumont
Interested in joining our team?
Find out more about the trial